Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Final Goodbye....Wrapping Up
With that said, my favorite thing was probably Thing #8 Make Life "Really Simple" with RSS & a Newsreader. I use bloglines all the time now and have even changed my homepage to bloglines on my home computer. It has made my web surfing 100x more efficient and has cut down the time i need to spend on the internet in half. On the other hand, Conversely I least liked the ListenNJ.
I feel the library should get much more involved in YouTube. It is one of the most popular things to do on the internet today and has spread like wildfire since it's inception. The library would have much to gain by tapping into this resource on a regular basis.
I have shared RSS feeds with many of my friends and most of them are already hooked on it. It is one thing that I can say will probably become commonplace fairly quickly because of the fact that it cuts down the amount of time you need in order to individually look through each website. That fact alone will catapult it to the top spot because as we all know anything that can give us more time for anything else in our lives becomes an instant hit.
The fact that the whole setup process in order to get to the goal of listening to my book was complicated and confusing makes me dissapointed. After merely downloading their special software I was ready to X out the page and move on to another site.
The final thing I have to say about ListenNJ is that in the end it is easier to just get the book you want from a library than for me to download a special program which takes up room on my harddisk just to listen to a book.
Anyway, I've so far never had negative thoughts on any of these particular webthings, but I cannot advocate this digital audio book solution. It just seems like too much work for me to just listen to a book.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
PODcasting...what more is there to say???
The link to The DriftZone podcast is
Monday, May 5, 2008
The YouTube Paradise...
This is the YouTube video that I found. My favorite sport is drifting and I have been actively following the drifting scene since 2004. This is a little compilation video with some awesome background music to really show you what drifting is.
At the Virtual Red Carpet of the Web 2.0 Awards
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Web Apps...Email attachments are a thing of the past!
I am currently coordinating my own gaming program for the first time within my own branch and this tool could help me if I was working with someone else for planning what snacks to bring as well as having a tournament bracket system that is viewable and editable by staff or program leaders.
Making some Wiki Sandcastles...(^_^)
A PBWiki could be useful within the workplace for when working on a collaborative team project or even planning a program. Even for simply having a company newsletter where employees can add in new programs that they have founded and perhaps whether they were successful or not. Other employees can then leave comments either congratulating or offering tips to make a program better in the future. PBWiki is a multi-functional tool that has, in my opinion, a lot of potential.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wonderous World of Wiki's
Wiki's seem to be a great way for information to be dispersed and the feature of being editable makes updating a breeze. It almost always guarantees that you have the most up to date information available, but there is one problem. Anyone can edit a wiki which makes the information contained therein unreliable at best. However, since so many people are constantly editing wikis, most of the time a correction is made to wrong information fairly quickly. Wikis are a great source for information if you are not stringent upon the validaty.
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Look Back on Library 2.0 and Web 2.0
I have read the five perspectives and the one that hit me the most was the one titled, "Away from Icebergs". The perspective states that there are potentially 3 "icebergs" that libraries as a whole may encounter. These "icebergs" present a significant threat to the progress of the library as a focal point to connecting the community. Reliance on user education, the "come to us" model of library service, and the "just in case" collection are the three main icebergs in the way of our main goal of bringing the library to the center of any community.
Reliance on user education merely speaks of making it easier for patrons to find exactly what they are looking for without the help of library staff because of the fact that the number of patrons dwarfs the number of staff. On a busy day at the library it is not uncommon that a patron may have to wait before being helped with the information they are trying to find. We live in a world where waiting is considered frustrating, therefore, the more our patrons are left to wait, the more frustrated they become reducing the chance that he/she will return. Making the process of finding information easier on the patron will in turn put the power of the library in his/her hands.
The "come to us" model of library service is an obsolete way of thinking. Many patrons wish to view what a library has to offer from there own home, which has been implemented for a long time, but it is now time to take things a step further. With the Internet becoming faster and faster patrons will begin to expect all the information to be at their fingertips and as a focal point of the community we are obligated to serve our patrons as best we can. With that said, we must also be willing to change and adapt to the advent of new technology, but also to the change that a patrons way of thinking will undergo as that new technology becomes commonplace to him/her.
The final iceberg is the "just in case" collection. This may very well be one of the hardest icebergs to overcome seeing as a change in this would mean a change in the very backbone of how the library has been run in the past. Whether we like it or not the change is coming and if we wish to survive we need to start thinking about what we are going to do about it or the library will undoubtedly become obsolete. So, this "just in case" collection is an archaic method of trying to provide for every need of every person. I emphasize the word "trying" because there is no possible way of providing for every need of every person. Perhaps in the future things may change, but for now it is too expensive and time consuming for both library staff and patrons alike. One solution to this problem is the acquiring of a "digital" collection. A digital collection makes it much simpler and cost-effective to even attempt to provide for every need of every person. There is no longer the issue of shelf space for holding an extensive amount of books. Also, the thought of spending the time and money mending books is eliminated because of the fact that with digital copies there is no more wear and tear on a book from a large amount of usage. New copies of a book will no longer need to be purchased to replace old ones.
These 3 "icebergs" as they are dubbed by Rick Anderson are problems that face all libraries as a whole, but the OCL system is on the right track to counteract and overcome these problems. Some things may take longer than others to be implemented, but the most positive change is a slow and steady one. I have no doubt that the library is exactly what web 2.0 needs in order to really shine and it works both ways because libraries will gain alot from using web 2.0.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Technorati...nothing technical about it
While searching through the popular blogs and posts I found a blog devoted to pocket pc phones and technology that is centered around them. I feel that I will going back to this blog alot due to the fact that I do own a pocket pc phone and love it. I plan on having a pocket pc phone for my next phone in the near future. bookmarks that are so tasty you can eat...or...just tag them
At the same time you get to see what other users think about your favorites by the comments and posts they leave. You can also see what tags other people have put on the same favorite you have. All this help to build a more tight-knit and social community.
I can see this tool as being a way for people to start sharing cool links easily with each other, as well as, an easy way for epopel to access their own favorites from foriegn computers.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
WorldCat...the catalog for the entire WORLD!! (O_o)
WorldCat can help with filling out the ILL form to an extent but I believe is perfect for that and gives the maximum information you would need to completely fill out that form.
NetLibrary...the future of the library???
I then ended up searching for computer books and found a book called "How To Do Everything With Your Ipod". The navigation setup for actually reading the books is a solid 8 out of 10. You have a frame on the left side of the page that allows you to switch between chapters very quickly and easily. There are also links in the table of contents to quickly jump to any pages you wish to view. The "Next" and "Previous" buttons are very useful but being able to click on the pages themselves in order to go to the next page would be a desirable feature.
This resource is very easy to use and would be quite simple to teach a customer to use proficiently. NetLibrary may very well be the future of all libraries as we move into this technology-driven world. There may come a time when all books are released as ebooks and no longer in paper format. Then again, that is an extreme view that is definitely not going to come into fruition for many many years.
Friday, April 11, 2008
My LibraryThing Library...(say that 5 times fast)
Here is my library with the 5 books that I have searched and added.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Some Technology Talk...
Mobile Phones are getting faster and more innovative almost every 2 or 3 months. The iPhone was a huge leap in technological advancement for the Mobile Phone community, but already other companies are following and even expanding on what the iPhone started.
With the release of the LG Voyager, Apple iPhone, and now the news of the Samsung Instinct, phones that contain touchscreens are now becoming a commonplace. Touch screens have been around for many years but were reserved mostly for the most expensive of PDA type smartphones.
Now that touchscreens are becoming common the screen size is also increasing exponentially and with bigger screens comes more graphically enhanced UIs(User Interfaces).
With more PDA smartphones available at cheaper prices the thought of every person having a personal computer on them at all times is not so much science fiction as it is reality.
More and more phones now are able to connect to WiFi hotspots and are increasingly more internet capable which means people are becoming more and more connected than ever before.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Scanner and I

Well folks, this is a scan of a DVD cover from our movie collection within the Plumsted branch. This is one of my favorite movies because of the fact that it's soooo funny and also because it does have a meaningful story in the background of one young man's journey through the interim period of young adult to full blown adulthood.
This completes Thing #7 of the OCL WebThings challenge and now I am all caught up... :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Finding an RSS to feed on...
Also, merely searching in google is another way to find some pretty useful and informational RSS feeds.
Feeding upon the Great "RSS"
I love RSS feeds for the fact that it simplifies the way you surf the internet. I was used to going to to check any new tech news and then from there moving on to and so on and so forth. This way of surfing the web was very tedious and time consuming, but now with RSS feeds I only need to go to one website. All of the information from all the websites I view is all neatly placed in folders and I can peruse them at my own leisure.
I gathered RSS feeds from:
-Asbury Park Press
-OCL WebThings
-Upcoming Events at Plumsted
This technology is very helpful in saving time and libraries benefit highly from this because of the fact that now patrons can receive the information about what is going on in their local library without having to interrupt their normal web surfing routine.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Teen Zone Surfing
Teen Surfing
Originally uploaded by rukushin
Sr. Library Assistant Brian and I like to keep the teen area alive and kicking. Sometimes we don't have enough tables for all the patrons to surf on so it gets tough, but we seem to manage.
On a serious note, I wanted something outlandish and original for my picture so it was a spur of the moment thing.
Brian and Andrew....who knows what we will do next :)
Thing #6 complete! (^_^) Woohoo!
X-treme Drift Challenge- Kouvola 2007
X-treme Drift Challenge- Kouvola 2007
Originally uploaded by Siippou
This is for Thing #5 of the OCL Web Things challenge.
I chose this photo because of the fact that I absolutely LOVE drifting. It is a very popular sport that came to the USA in 2003 from Japan. To explain it simply, it is merely powersliding the tail end of your car through corners and using the gas pedal and steering input to control just how sideways through a corner your car will go without spinning out.
This car from what I can see seems to be a Silvia S14(Nissan 240SX) with an S15 front end conversion.
I love looking at these types of pictures of cars when they are in mid-drift because they look so graceful yet you see the tires smoking as well which just goes to show you how much power these cars need to put down in order to really get the wheels spinning.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A New Start
Thing #1 was a great introduction complete with video and an audio clip containing a great explanation of what Web 2.0 consists of and what this Web Challenge was going to entail.
Thing #2 called "Learning vs. Training" was an interesting tutorial explaining what a Lifelong Learner is. I never considered myself to be a Lifelong Learner, but according to this tutorial I am indeed one. As for what habits are, in my opinion, easiest and hardest out of the 7 and a 1/2 Habits for me is:
Easiest - #6) Use technology to your advantage.
I consider myself to be a very tech saavy person and I'm always keeping an eye out for the newest technology.
Hardest - #2) Accept responsibility for your own learning.
This is one of the hardest habits for me and I cannot say why except for the fact that I'm still a fairly young college student. I strongly believe that as time passes this habit will become more and more engrained into me in which, without me knowing, will become an easier and easier habit.
I look foward to the next few weeks of challenges and hope to expand my knowledge in the process.